Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Raise Your Credit Score 200 Points in 90 Days!

Too good to be true? Well, sort of.

But a number of websites are offering false paystubs, bank accounts and bizarre ways of raising your credit score.

The sites, for example, offer better credit scores by
hitching customers to a stranger’s credit card, or providing them pay stubs from
a bogus company. One has even offered a well-stocked bank account to rent for a
month or two.

Industry experts say these sites, which are relatively
new, played a role in fueling the rampant mortgage fraud that has caused a huge
spike in loan defaults in recent months because people bought homes they could
not afford.

If you have credit to repair or other financial obstacles to home-ownership, the best thing to do is talk to an ethical lender who can explain the steps you need to take to get back on track. And then do them. It's not really fun or glamorous in the "lose 50 pounds in 3 days without dieting" kind of way, but it's tried and true -- it works -- and, perhaps even better, it won't land you in prison.

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